Monday, November 11, 2013

Antonio Moura Santos - Non Compete Agreement & Sole Ownership

Antonio Moura Santos - Sole Ownership & Non Compete Agreement

Antionio Moura Santos is about to release a new online e-book that will be made available via Amazon.  While there is much anticipation for the book, we would like to provide a couple of examples.  

Below you will find a draft of a NDA contract.  Notice how it protects the interest of the person owning the intellectual property.  As a marketer, this is very important.

1.      Sole Ownership and Non Compete

2.2   All existing and new intellectual property related to the Company's product, generated with, through or by the Recipient will be the sole property of the Company.

2.3   The Recipient hereby agrees that he/she shall not compete, directly or indirectly, with the business of the Company. In this context, the Recipient hereby agrees that he/she shall not, directly or indirectly, sell, distribute, offer to sell, supply or market any of the products of the Company, either currently manufactured or planned by the Company. 

2.      Term

Recipient's obligation to protect Confidential Information, as defined above, shall survive the relationship between the parties and any termination thereof of their relationship with no time limitations thereafter.  To be clear, all methods/techniques/communities/software/services/networking and corporate clients that are exposed to the Recipient are never to be used, duplicated, sold, etc., even after termination of relationship unless prior written permission or limited license approval is given.

3.      Delivery of Information.

Recipient agree to deliver, within seven (7) days of any request from Company to deliver to Company all materials of any nature that are in Recipient possession or control and that constitute or contain Confidential Information that was disclosed to Recipient by Company or third parties or that are otherwise the property of Company or of any Company vendor, licensor, contractor, or client, including, but not limited to, writings, designs, documents, records, data, memoranda, tapes and disks containing software, client info, computer source code listings, routines, file layouts, record layouts, system design information, models, manuals, documentation, and notes and/or anything relative to the relationship.

Antonio Moura Santos - Sole Ownership & Non Compete Agreement

Monday, July 15, 2013

Marketing Methods by Antonio Moura Santos

Antonio Moura Santos Online Market Methods Webinar Course
There are many strategies to creating a contractual agreement with clients.  Antonio Moura Santos offers free contract forms and examples.

Below Antonio Moura Santos has written out 5 clear examples of legal information that should be in any contractual agreement.

1.      License and Future Agreements.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting Recipient a license or any other right in respect of the Confidential Information and all rights to the Confidential Information which belong to Company.  Furthermore, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as obligating Company to enter into any future agreements with Recipient.

2.      Upon the first request of Company, the Recipient shall promptly return to Company all Confidential Information, including any copies thereof which were, at any time, in the possession of the Recipient, and all materials (in any medium), which contain or embody Confidential Information.

3.      Breach. 

Recipient hereby acknowledges that a breach by either party of this Agreement may not be adequately compensated by monetary damages. Accordingly, in the event of such a breach, Recipient recognize and agree that Company shall have the immediate right to secure a preliminary and/or permanent order from any competent court enjoining such breach. This undertaking shall be enforceable without prejudice to any other rights available under law or under this Agreement.

4.      This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of execution hereof as set forth below.

5.      This Agreement may not be modified except by a duly authorized representative of each party hereto.

Antonio Moura Santos Advanced Online Marketing Methods Course

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Antonio Moura Santos - NDA & Contractual Agreement Drafts

Antonio Moura Santos - Non Disclosure Agreement & Contracts 

The Antonio Moura Santos books helps marketers conduct business online.  We provide drafts of contracts and non-disclosure agreements.  

We have been asked many times to provide a draft copy of a full Non Disclosure Agreement.  The nature and specifics of any NDA should be discussed with an attorney.  This is a good draft example to begin with.

1.      Confidential Information and protection:

1.1         For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Confidential Information” means all information/concepts/products provided by the Company hereunder and information concerning any aspect of the Company’s business or proposed business that is not generally known and that: (i) relates directly to the business or assets of the Company. (ii) Relates directly or indirectly to the subjects specified in Exhibit A to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof. This includes, tapes, video tapes (in any and all formats, magnetic and nomagnetic) DVD’s as well as by any digital means of storage)

                        The term “Confidential Information” shall include, but shall not be limited to, the system, processes and all documentation relating, documents and drafts, inventions, discoveries, know-how, ideas, computer programs, concepts, designs, algorithms, processes, and structures; marketing methods and techniques, editing and producing video tutorials, lesson plans, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Marketing, Generating Web Traffic, Penetrating Online Established Communities to Influence Online User & Web Activity, product information; research and development information; lists of clients and other related information; financial data and information; source code and software (whether belonging to our company or not), business plans and processes, improvements and developments; and any other information of Company that Company shares with Recipient or that Recipient should know, by virtue of Recipient position or the circumstances in which Recipient learned it, should be kept confidential. Confidential Information may or may not be labeled as “confidential.” Recipient shall use common sense and good judgment when determining whether unlabeled information is confidential, and Recipient regard any information not commonly known and that Recipient not sure whether is confidential or not as confidential. 

1.2              The Recipient shall carefully restrict access to the Confidential Information to those of its officers, directors, and employees who need such access in order to participate on behalf of the Recipient in the analysis and negotiation of a business relationship or any contract or agreement, or the advisability thereof, with or involving the Company. The Recipient shall advise each of the persons to whom it provides access to any of the Confidential Information pursuant to the foregoing sentence that such persons are strictly prohibited from making any use, publishing or otherwise disclosing to others, or permitting others to use for their benefit or to the detriment of the Company, any of the Confidential Information.

Antonio Santos Moura - Non Disclosure Agreement & Contracts