Antonio Moura Santos - Online Marketing Trends
Over the past decade, Antonio Moura Santos has been researching friends and colleague subject who have lost their ability to handle personal relationships. Fact is, today we all use Facebook, Twitter, SMS, WhatsApp and several other methods of communication - yet we've forgotten how to communicate directly.Many of you may have read the Antonio Moura Santos Marketing Trend Book that was released online around 2 years ago. Since then many new exciting things have happened online.
Today, the majority of the world belongs to one social community or another. The majority of us have multiple profiles on Twitter, Facebook, etc. But have we really lost that human touch? Our report shows how different societies are accepting of this new found social technology. Is Portugal online social behavior the same as the United Kingdom? These are questions our report asks and seek to answer.
When I was a child, there was a place. It was called "Outside". Most parents instructed their children to play outside til the street lights came on. Today, most kids are indoor playing video games and communicating with their peers. So really times have changed.
The most important thing we can do as a society is really pay attention to how the social communities are affecting our peers. It's a proven fact that sitting next to the computer for long periods of time causes damage to certain emotions as they lie dormant to be mentally entertained via the screen.
Have we as a society replaced words and presence with a computer or cellular phone screen conversation? Where does that leave society in the future?
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